California Attorney General’s Charity Search

The California Attorney General’s Registry of Charitable Trusts recently made operational a new online search feature. The newRegistry Searchfeature allows usersto search for information on charities, charity fundraising professionals, and raffle registrants that are registered with the Registry. The Registry’s stated goal is "to make all public information in our files available on our website." Currently, copies of records filed with the Registry, including IRS Form 990s and Annual Registration Renewal Fee Reports (RRF-1), can be obtained by sending a request to the Registry through its "Contact the Registrar" page.

For registrants, the Attorney General'ssitestates the following:

NOTE TO REGISTRANTS: The information that displays in the new search feature represents information currently in the Registry database. If you believe the information displayed for your organization is in error, you may send an email to the Registrar, using the Contact the Registrar link on the left side of this page. In that email, please set forth the information you believe to be incorrect and supply the documentation necessary to correct your record.If your organization is incorporated, its name and facility address information must be updated with the Secretary of State’s office in order to be corrected in our database.