任何类型的以营利为目的的结构,包括一个独资,合伙或公司的,可以适用于乙实验室要成为认证B公司(也被称作“B公司”或“认证乙公司”)。要申请,公司必须完成B Impact Assessment Survey,是衡量社会和环境的影响,并至少赢得二百分之八十零点。申请人也将被要求签署一份Term Sheet and Declaration of Independence。此外,如果申请人是公司或有限责任公司,它可能还需要修改其管辖文件,包括乙公司法律框架使该公司认为其决定不仅对股东,而且其员工,客户,供应商,社区和环境的影响。认证是一个为期两年的任期,并受到了年度注册费从$ 500 - $每年$ 25,000个(根据认证乙公司的年销售额)。因为B公司认证许可,公司可以很容易地终止协议而不必使其他企业的变化。
不同于认证,受益的公司是一个只能在已经颁布立法,授权一个利益集团的实体创建的7个州的一个被合并公司的实体和特定类型的法律形式。It is a unique legal entity in that every benefit corporation is required by law to have a general public benefit purpose (i.e., “a material positive impact on society and the environment taken as a whole, as measured by a third-party standard, from [its] business and operations”). It may also have an optional special public benefit purpose such as preserving the environment. Additionally, a change to or from a benefit corporation is a corporate entity change requiring shareholder approval. Thus, the benefit corporation is itself a for-profit structure that could actually apply for B Corp certification.
Corporate board members generally have a fiduciary duty to the corporation and its shareholders. Some states also have constituency statutes that permit a board to consider constituency groups as defined in the statute such as employees and the community at large in certain situations.
在另一方面的好处法人立法模式创建了一个新的法律框架。它明确要求(从而允许)董事会考虑股东,员工,客户,社区和社会,在当地和全球环境,造福企业的短期和长期利益,并实现普遍和任何特定的公共利益的能力。除了责任的传统领域,董事或管理人员也可未能追求在一般或特定公共目的追究法律责任好处执行程序, a cause of action unique to the benefit corporation (with the exception of Maryland's benefit corporation legislation). Importantly, this expansion of liability does not also expand the classes of individuals to whom fiduciary duties are owed; no person who is a beneficiary of the general or any specific public benefit of the corporation would have standing to sue the directors or officers solely by virtue of such position. A benefit enforcement proceeding is instead a mechanism for traditional parties to hold directors and officers accountable with respect to the general and/or specific public purposes of the benefit corporation.
有连接到牌在B公司的认证没有具体的公开报告要求。然而,B实验室是否公开发布在其网站上A B影响报告,该报告显示给定的认证乙公司的,如问责制,员工,消费者,环境,社区的区域在B影响评估结果。
The benefit corporation model legislation heightens reporting requirements as compared with other for-profit structures by requiring a benefit corporation to prepare a special annual report called abenefit report。一年一度的好处报告包括诸如描述如何推行其公众利益的叙述,这阻碍了一般的创建或任何特定的公共利益,并利用第三方标准的的社会和环境绩效评估任何情况。受益公司必须使效益报告公布在其网站上,如果有的话,或以其他方式提供复印件不需对任何人谁请求副本。
Third-Party Standard and Audit
There is only one standard and one certifying body with respect to becoming a Certified B Corp: every applicant for B Corp certification is measured against the same third-party standard issued by B Lab called the B Impact Assessment and B Lab is the only certifying body of the B Corp certification. Additionally, as a condition of certification, a Certified B Corp must agree to subject itself to an audit by B Lab if randomly selected. The B Impact Assessment survey is updated every two years and B Lab randomly audits 20% of all B Corps over the two-year certification period, meaning a Certified B Corp has a one in five chance of being audited.
B Corp certification has received some of its greatest attention in the last two years despite being available since 2007 and has grown into a community of over 517 Certified B Corps in the country, spanning 60 industries, such as Seventh Generation, Good Capital, and our very own NEO Law Group. While many of these B Corps have become leaders in their industries in their pursuit of social and environmental values, only recently have they been pushed to evaluate how they stack up against new hybrid legal models.
More information on the B Corp certification is made available by B Lab atbcorporation.netand in theB公司2012年年度报告。
公司更多信息的好处是疯了e available by B Lab atbenefitcorp.net在利益集团白皮书,“T极品他和理由为利益集团:为什么它是法律形式最地址社会企业家,投资者,并最终在公众的需要“。
The "Benefit Corporations: State Statute Comparison Chart" by Professor J. Haskell Murray is available这里。
A law review article summarizing the benefit corporation, "Benefit Corporations—A Sustainable Form of Organization?" by Professor Dana Brakman Reiser is available这里。