
We have recently seen an increasing number of transactions involving the sale of charitable assets to for-profit entities. While generally permissible if conducted properly, these sales raise a number of legal issues at both the federal and state levels that must be considered. Where the transaction is motivated in part by the desire to further […]

UBit - 共享空间的问题


本周的非营利推文 - 2013年9月20日

夏季的官方结束和许多繁忙的秋季会议赛季。今天,艾琳和我正在参加美国酒吧协会豁免组织委员会与全国各地的许多同事会面。在你仔细阅读本周的非营利组织的推文时,请听Jon Mclaughlin的夏天结束了,[...]